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A colon cleansing – commonly called a colonic – is a type of alternative medicine that aims to improve a patient’s health by removing toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, including through colon hydration therapy.

A colon cleansing – commonly called a colonic – is a type of alternative medicine that aims to improve a patient’s health by removing toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Removing the build-up of toxins from the GI tract can also enhance immune system function and has been known to give your energy level a boost!

Colonics, also known as high colonic irrigation, have a long history of use by physicians as a detoxifying therapy. Many people wonder, "Colon hydrotherapy, is it safe?" This colon hydrotherapy procedure is simple, safe, and convenient. It is conducted right here in our office with specialized equipment. We use warm water and other fluids to irrigate your intestines via a tube gently inserted into the rectum. This effectively flushes your colon clean and helps to detoxify your body. A trained colon hydrotherapy therapist will ensure the process is comfortable and effective. The entire procedure takes just an hour. The process is neither smelly nor messy.

A colonic can benefit you in numerous ways, including:

Image by Wesley Tingey

Removing fecal waste and toxins

Image by Wesley Tingey

Improving nutrient absorption

Image by Wesley Tingey

Preventing constipation

Image by Wesley Tingey

Feeling refreshed and more energetic

Image by Wesley Tingey

Enjoying better overall health

Image by Wesley Tingey

Improving immune function

For an even greater impact, a colon cleansing therapy should be accompanied by a healthy diet and regular exercise. Your colon cleansing doctor can advise you on what to eat and what to avoid, based on your dietary needs and medical condition. Additionally, colonic treatments can enhance the effectiveness of the cleanse. Consider incorporating a colon cleanse treatment into your routine for optimal health benefits.

To reap all the possible health benefits of a colonic, call Colorectal Care in the New York metropolitan region at  (718) 743-4450 to find out more. Or simply request your appointment now. Dr. Fulmes and his team look forward to seeing you at one of our three convenient locations in BrooklynManhattan, and Astoria, Queens.

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