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Integrative Medicine Services

We believe that the best healthcare approach is a holistic one – that is, medical care that takes all of you into account.

We believe that the best healthcare approach is a holistic one – that is, medical care that takes all of you into account. That’s our aim at Health Institute. Dr. Fulmes and his team seek to address your colorectal needs through a variety of methods: medicalsurgical, as well as alternative methods. This blended treatment approach is the basis of integrative medicine. It’s also what makes the healthcare you receive at Health Institute superior to what you might expect from a more conventional medical practice.
Holistic healthcare is as much about prevention as it is about treatment. Our integrative medicine services include a variety of ways to help you get and stay healthy. We often supplement our procedures with recommendations on diet and physical activity, which are important components of good health. We have numerous methods to alleviate symptoms you may be suffering from, as well as help you achieve optimal health and well-being. Call Health Institute at (718) 743-4450 and find out how we can help you.


Don’t let the build up of toxins in your gastrointestinal tract keep you from optimal health and vigor. A colonic can boost immune system function, prevent constipation, aid nutrient absorption, and leave you feeling refreshed and more energetic than before.


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Ozone Therapy

So many symptoms are the result of inadequate levels of oxygenated blood. Ozone therapy is a safe, effective, in-office procedure that can remedy that — while stimulating your immune system and stopping bacteria, viruses, and other infections in its tracks.


Still experiencing pain and inflammation after an illness or surgery? Whole body vibration (WBV) and pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy are just two of the innovative ways we help your body repair itself. Best of all, these methods are noninvasive and 100% painless.

Our Products

Dr. Fulmes at Health Institute is often asked to recommend products for at-home use to help with everything, including arthritic pain and inflammation, metabolism, immune system function, and anti-aging efforts. We now offer these physician-recommended products directly to you.

If you suffer from colorectal issues – or simply wish to be healthier and happier – contact the integrative medicine specialists at Health Institute by calling (718) 743-4450. You can also request an appointment now. We have three convenient locations in BrooklynManhattan, and Astoria, Queens from which to serve you. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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